in the article " Letter From Jackie Robinson on Civil Rights " for short response 1 I cant find what African americans want to recive and the details that support it. and for short response 2 I cant find how president Eisenhower unknowingly crush the spirit of freedom in African americans.

African-Americans want their civil rights -- the same rights that all other Americans have.

Please read carefully to find what Robinson said about Eisenhower crushed the spirit of freedom.

ok thank you

You're welcome.

What does Jackie Robinson try to persuade the reader of his letter of?

To find the information you are looking for in the article "Letter From Jackie Robinson on Civil Rights," you might need to closely analyze the text and pay attention to specific details. Here's how you can approach both of your questions:

Short Response 1: What did African Americans want to receive and what are the supporting details?

1. Start by skimming through the article to identify any statements or mentions related to what African Americans wanted to receive or achieve during the Civil Rights movement.

2. Look for key phrases or words that may indicate their desires, such as "equal rights," "justice," "freedom," or specific demands like voting rights.

3. Read the paragraphs or sections that contain these key phrases or words, and analyze the supporting details provided. Look for specific examples or instances that illustrate what African Americans sought, such as the right to vote or desegregation.

4. Take notes or highlight relevant quotations or evidence as you go along, ensuring you capture the main points and supporting details of African Americans' desires.

Short Response 2: How did President Eisenhower unknowingly crush the spirit of freedom in African Americans?

1. Start by searching for information or statements in the article that shed light on President Eisenhower's actions or policies concerning civil rights.

2. Look for any instances where the article mentions how President Eisenhower's actions inadvertently affected the spirit of freedom in African Americans.

3. Examine the surrounding sentences or paragraphs to understand the context and supporting details of this claim. Look for specific events or policies initiated by Eisenhower that are related to civil rights and evaluate their consequences.

4. Pay attention to any statements or evidence that illustrates how African Americans' hopes or aspirations for freedom may have been compromised or diminished due to Eisenhower's actions.

Remember, it is essential to closely read and interpret the article's content, focusing on specific details and supporting evidence to answer both of your questions accurately.