Which of the following examples describes a child in the symbolic level?

A. A child who can't identify numbers above 10
B. A child lining up Unifix Cubes in a row
C. A child who figures out the answer to 2 + 5 in his/her head
D. A child who counts up using a number line

my answer is b.


To determine which example describes a child in the symbolic level, we need to understand what the symbolic level refers to in child development. The symbolic level is a stage where children can mentally represent and manipulate symbols, such as numbers, letters, or objects, without the need for concrete or physical representations.

Now, let's analyze the examples:

A. A child who can't identify numbers above 10: This example does not demonstrate the use of symbols beyond the concrete representation of numbers. It suggests a child who has not yet reached the symbolic level.

B. A child lining up Unifix Cubes in a row: This example does not involve the use of symbols. It showcases a child's ability to engage in spatial organization and manipulation but doesn't go beyond the concrete level.

C. A child who figures out the answer to 2 + 5 in their head: This example demonstrates the use of symbols (numbers) and mental manipulation. When the child mentally calculates 2 + 5, they are working at a symbolic level, as they are representing numbers in their mind and performing operations mentally.

D. A child who counts up using a number line: This example involves the use of a concrete representation (number line) and counting to find an answer. It does not solely rely on symbolic representation and manipulation.

Therefore, your answer, B. A child lining up Unifix Cubes in a row, does not describe a child at the symbolic level. The correct answer is C. A child who figures out the answer to 2 + 5 in their head.