Im going to post a few i want to check over. I think it is B, C, and A

1. In narration, dialogue should ________.

A. be used solely to describe conflict
B. be used sparingly and at significant moments
C. be used in each paragraph
D not be used at all

2. Which event would BEST be described through narration?

A. a beautiful summer day
B. a routine visit to the dentist
C. a football team's game-winning touchdown
D. a professional conference at a local convention center

3. Which sentence reflects proper use of the hyphen?

A. My daughter is going to be six-years-old this March.
B. Baking brownies requires one-third-cups of vegetable oil.
C. She is picking me up at the main street park-and-ride.
D. Her essay is well-developed.

All of your answers are right.

I disagree about #3. Please re-think.

Oops! Writeacher is correct. 3 is not A.

To check over your answers to the questions, we'll go through each question and provide an explanation for the correct answer:

1. In narration, dialogue should ________.
A. be used solely to describe conflict
B. be used sparingly and at significant moments
C. be used in each paragraph
D. not be used at all

The correct answer is B. Dialogue in narration should be used sparingly and at significant moments. This is because too much dialogue can make the narration feel choppy and disrupt the flow of the story. Instead, dialogue should be used to enhance the narrative by providing important information, revealing character traits, or advancing the plot.

2. Which event would BEST be described through narration?
A. a beautiful summer day
B. a routine visit to the dentist
C. a football team's game-winning touchdown
D. a professional conference at a local convention center

The correct answer is C. A football team's game-winning touchdown would be best described through narration. Narration is a storytelling technique that allows for the detailed description of events, actions, and emotions. Describing the game-winning touchdown through narration can help create a sense of anticipation, excitement, and celebration for the readers.

3. Which sentence reflects proper use of the hyphen?

A. My daughter is going to be six-years-old this March.
B. Baking brownies requires one-third-cups of vegetable oil.
C. She is picking me up at the main street park-and-ride.
D. Her essay is well-developed.

The correct answer is D. "Her essay is well-developed." This sentence reflects proper use of the hyphen. The hyphen is used to join two or more words together to create a compound adjective. In this case, "well-developed" is a compound adjective describing the essay. Hyphens are commonly used to create compound adjectives before a noun, but they are not usually used in compound numbers (option A) or fractions (option B). Option C does include a compound word, but it is not a compound adjective but a compound noun.