Can someone help me write a simple poem, using the following?:

1 Example of Anaphora
1 Example of Catalogue of Items
1 Strong Image (use at least 10 words)
1 Example of Onomatopoeia
1 Example EACH of Assonance, Alliteration, and Consonance

I'd really appreciate anyone that could help, even if you can only contribute a few lines or ideas. Poetry is such a weak point for me, and I'm trying to write a poem that mimics the style of Walt Whitmans, and it's not going as planned.

Thank you! (:

shalee above has the same problem. Let's work together on it, okay? I'll have to re-read the poem before I can offer ANY advice.

Actually, the assignment doesn't quite make sense to me. If this was a regular class with a teacher, I'd ask your teacher for clarification. Maybe another "tutor" can offer something. I seem to be the only one on right now who can address English questions, but ms.sue and Writeteacher may see this and chime in.

I'd be happy to help you write a simple poem! Here's a suggested structure incorporating the requested elements:

Title: A Journey through the City

Verse 1:
In the streets of hustle and bustle,
I find solace, I find trouble.
Footsteps echoing, echoing, echoing,
Like a never-ending rhythm, a constant flowing.

Oh, city of dreams, city of despair,
With wonders and nightmares, you ensnare.
Through your labyrinthine lanes, I roam,
Seeking my salvation, calling it home.

Verse 2:
In rooftops and alleyways, secrets reside,
In rooftops and alleyways, worlds collide.
Towers reaching toward the infinite sky,
Windows mirroring the souls passing by.

Catalogue of Items:
Neon lights flicker, casting an eerie glow,
Streets lined with vendors, a colorful show.
Bicycles, taxis, pedestrians in a rush,
Reflecting the mosaic of life, a city's hush.

Verse 3:
Strong Image:
The moon rises above towering spires,
Casting golden beams, fueling desires.
Shadows dance, like ghosts in disguise,
Whispering tales of city's forgotten cries.

Horns blare with fury, engines roar,
Footfalls patter, raindrops pour.
A symphony of sounds, harmonious and grand,
Enveloping the city, like nature's own band.

Verse 4:
The city breathes with rhythm and rhyme,
Awakening hearts, consuming time.
Voices blending, creating a melodic strain,
Where dreams are born, and passions reign.

Stormy streets soaked in silver-gray rain,
Subways carry souls, through tunnels they drain.
Graffiti's bold strokes embellish the walls,
Whispering tales of heroes and falls.

Cars race along the boulevard's bend,
City's heartbeat, never to end.
Concrete and steel, in harmony they stand,
A testament to dreams and creations unplanned.

Oh, city of dreams, city of despair,
With wonders and nightmares, you ensnare.
Through your labyrinthine lanes, I roam,
Seeking my salvation, calling it home.

Feel free to use these lines as inspiration or build upon them to create your poem. Remember to express your own thoughts and emotions, capturing the essence of Walt Whitman's style. Good luck with your poem!

Sure! I can definitely help you with that. Writing a poem can be a creative and enjoyable process. To incorporate the elements you mentioned, follow these steps:

1. Choose a theme or topic for your poem. This could be anything that inspires you or holds personal significance.
2. Decide on the structure and meter of your poem. Walt Whitman's style often includes long, free verse lines, so you may want to follow a similar format.
3. Incorporate the elements you mentioned:

- Anaphora: Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several lines. For example, you could start each line with the word "I" to create an anaphora.

- Catalogue of Items: A catalogue refers to the listing of multiple items or objects. You can create a list of related items connected to your theme. For example, if your theme is nature, you could make a catalogue of different types of flowers.

- Strong Image: Choose an image that deeply resonates with your theme and engages the reader's senses. Try to describe it using at least 10 words in a vivid and compelling manner.

- Onomatopoeia: This is the use of words whose sounds imitate or suggest their meanings. Incorporate a word that imitates a sound related to your theme, such as "buzz" for insects or "crash" for a thunderstorm.

- Assonance: Assonance involves the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words. Choose a couple of words that share the same vowel sound within the same line. For example, "lake" and "day" share the long "a" sound.

- Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity. Use a couple of words that start with the same consonant sound in the same line. For example, "silky smooth" or "murmuring breeze."

- Consonance: Consonance refers to the repetition of consonant sounds in nearby words. Select a couple of words with similar consonant sounds, either at the beginning, middle, or end of the word, within the same line. For example, "flip flop" or "wind whispered."

Remember, poetry is a personal expression, so feel free to adapt these suggestions to fit your unique style and voice. Here's an example to give you a starting point:

In the realm of vast I wander,
I, the curious, the ponderer, the dreamer.
I seek solace in the embrace of nature,
Where the sun, the moon, and the stars conspire.

Daisies dance with the wind's tender sigh,
Tulips tickle my senses, a feast for my eyes.
Buzzing bees, their hymn, a gentle lullaby,
As nature's symphony plays under the bright sky.

Whispering waves wash the shore,
A soothing symphony I forever adore.
Silent moonlight, a guide through the night,
As tranquility envelops with its soft light.

I hope these lines help you get started! Remember to have fun and let your creativity flow.