Which of the following sentences contains a pronoun in the possessive case?

A. My sister Sarah loves to cook.
B. She made dinner for the family last night.
C. When Sarah offered us seconds, I was too full.
D. Mom and Dad make me do the dishes when Sarah cooks.
Is the answer A?
Thank you

Help me god

Yes. A.

No, the answer is not A. The correct answer is C. "When Sarah offered us seconds, I was too full." In this sentence, the pronoun "us" is in the possessive case as it is used to show possession or ownership.

No, the answer is actually D. The sentence "Mom and Dad make me do the dishes when Sarah cooks" contains a pronoun in the possessive case. The word "Sarah" is acting as a possessive pronoun modifying the noun "cooks." To identify the possessive case, you need to look for pronouns that indicate ownership or possession, such as "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," or "their." In this case, "Sarah" is being used to show that the cooking activity belongs to her.