What are 3 examples of metaphor?

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Metaphors are figures of speech that compare two different things, often by stating that one thing is another thing. Here are three examples of metaphors:

1. "Time is a thief." In this metaphor, time is being compared to a thief, suggesting that it takes away or steals precious moments and opportunities.

2. "Her voice is music to my ears." Here, the person's voice is being compared to music, conveying that it brings joy, pleasure, or comfort to the listener.

3. "He's a shining star." This metaphor compares a person to a shining star, implying that they are talented, important, or stand out from others.

If you want to come up with your own metaphors, think of two different objects, concepts, or ideas and consider how they can be similar or share common characteristics. Then, use those similarities to create a comparison that helps convey your message or idea.