I want to plot my vertex on a cartesian plane. My question is can i go by different values on the axis? Since my vertex is (1, -64) could i go by 8 on the

y axis, and by 1 on the x axis???

Yes, you can go by different values on the x and y axes when plotting a vertex on a Cartesian plane. The x-axis represents the horizontal values or the input values, while the y-axis represents the vertical values or the output values.

In your case, the vertex is given as (1, -64). This means that the x-coordinate of the vertex is 1, and the y-coordinate is -64. To plot this point on the plane, you can start at the origin (0, 0) and move 1 unit to the right on the x-axis and 64 units down on the y-axis to locate the vertex.

Regarding the scaling on each axis, you can choose any value to incrementally increase or decrease the units. If you want to go by 8 on the y-axis, it means that each unit on the y-axis represents 8 units. Similarly, if you want to go by 1 on the x-axis, it means that each unit on the x-axis represents 1 unit.

By setting the scaling, you can determine the spacing between the grid lines on the Cartesian plane to correctly represent the coordinates of the vertex. You can use graph paper or grid paper to help maintain the consistency of the spacing and accurately plot the vertex.