Speaker A: "It is proper for the United States to seize the Philippines before some other country does. We can use both natural resources and the port."

Speaker B: "We have saved the Cubans from Spain. It would be dangerous to give them too much freedom; for their own good we must keep them under control."

Speaker C: "We cannot risk having European governments sending their troops to South America. We alone must control this hemisphere if we are to be secure."

What are the authors of those quotes discussing?

D Progressivism



Thank you (:

You are welcome.

Yes, the authors of the quotes are discussing imperialism.

Speaker A is advocating for the United States to seize the Philippines before another country does, indicating a desire for expansion and control over foreign territories for economic and strategic reasons.

Speaker B is expressing the belief that the United States must keep control over Cuba for the supposed benefit and protection of the Cuban people, suggesting a paternalistic approach that justifies the continued presence and influence of the United States in the region.

Speaker C is emphasizing the need for the United States to control the entire hemisphere to ensure its own security and prevent European interference in South America.

All these statements reflect the concept of imperialism, which is the policy or practice of extending a nation's power and influence by controlling territories beyond its borders.