A rental car company charges a fixed fee of $15.00 plus $.12 per mile. Write an equation to find the total cost, y, for any number of miles, x

15 + 0.12x = y


To write an equation to find the total cost, we need to consider that the rental car company charges a fixed fee of $15.00 plus $0.12 per mile.

The fixed fee is $15.00, which means it does not depend on the number of miles driven. So, we can represent the fixed fee as a constant value.

The charge per mile is $0.12, which means for every mile driven, there is an additional charge of $0.12. Since the charge per mile is dependent on the number of miles driven, we need to multiply it by the number of miles.

Let's denote the total cost as 'y' and the number of miles as 'x'.

According to the given information, the equation to find the total cost of renting a car for any number of miles can be written as:

y = 15 + 0.12x

In this equation, 'y' represents the total cost and 'x' represents the number of miles driven.

To find the total cost for any number of miles, plug in the number of miles 'x' into the equation and calculate 'y'.