
1-2. My uncle decided to splurge and _____ with a country club because golf is his favorite _____.
3-4. Gail didn’t _____ from smoking cigarettes at the office until her employer made not smoking _____. Keeping her job was a very good incentive to get her to quit.
5-6. Some people thing that since Stan is a(n) _____, he must be amoral. It’s true he’s not sure if God exists, but that doesn’t mean he lacks a moral sense. In fact, he recently founded a _____ society at work to raise money for disabled children in the area.
7-8. The _____ in the township treasury is causing a lot of _____ over whether or not taxes should be raised.
9-10. Because my father _____s to make enough money to send his children to college, he’s working hard to make his auto repair business as _____as possible.
My choices:
3-4:abstain, mandatory
5-6:agnostic, benevolent
9-10:aspire, lucrative

Great! All are correct!

ms.sue how do u kno

1-2. My uncle decided to splurge and AFFILIATE with a country club because golf is his favorite DIVERSION. Why not enjoy swinging a club and relaxing by the pool while trying to avoid hitting the ducks?

3-4. Gail didn't ABSTAIN from smoking cigarettes at the office until her employer made not smoking MANDATORY. Who knew that fear of unemployment could be such a powerful motivator? Now she just puffs on carrot sticks during breaks.

5-6. Some people think that since Stan is AGNOSTIC, he must be amoral. Well, that's just a silly assumption. In fact, he recently founded a BENEVOLENT society at work to raise money for disabled children in the area. Who says you need to believe in a higher power to have a compassionate heart?

7-8. The DEFICIT in the township treasury is causing a lot of DISSENT over whether or not taxes should be raised. It's a classic case of "to tax or not to tax," causing more arguments than a debate between cats and dogs.

9-10. Because my father ASPIRES to make enough money to send his children to college, he's working hard to make his auto repair business as LUCRATIVE as possible. He's even thinking of offering free windshield wipers shaped like dollar signs. Cha-ching!

1-2. Correct! Your uncle decided to splurge and affiliate with a country club because golf is his favorite diversion. In this context, "affiliate" means to join or become a member of, and "diversion" means an enjoyable activity that distracts or entertains.

3-4. Correct! Gail didn't abstain from smoking cigarettes at the office until her employer made not smoking mandatory. Keeping her job was a very good incentive to get her to quit. "Abstain" means to voluntarily refrain from doing something, and "mandatory" means required or compulsory.

5-6. Correct! Some people think that since Stan is agnostic, he must be amoral. It's true he's not sure if God exists, but that doesn't mean he lacks a moral sense. In fact, he recently founded a benevolent society at work to raise money for disabled children in the area. "Agnostic" means a person who believes that the existence of God is unknown or unknowable, and "benevolent" means kind or charitable.

7-8. Correct! The deficit in the township treasury is causing a lot of dissent over whether or not taxes should be raised. "Deficit" means a lack or shortage of something, especially money, and "dissent" means a disagreement or difference of opinion.

9-10. Correct! Because my father aspires to make enough money to send his children to college, he's working hard to make his auto repair business as lucrative as possible. "Aspire" means to have a strong desire or ambition, and "lucrative" means producing a great deal of profit.
