A band made a profit of 352.00 and sold 116 tickets and spent 25.00on advertising. How much was the cost of one ticket? T=the cost of one ticket.


Correct! Well done.

To calculate the cost of one ticket, you can use the equation:

Total revenue from ticket sales - Advertising expenses = Profit

Let's call the cost of one ticket "T".

The total revenue from ticket sales can be calculated by multiplying the number of tickets sold (116) by the cost of one ticket (T):

Total revenue = 116 * T

The equation becomes:

116T - 25.00 = 352.00

Next, we isolate the variable by adding 25.00 to both sides of the equation:

116T + 25.00 = 352.00 + 25.00

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

116T + 25.00 = 377.00

Now, we can isolate the variable T by dividing both sides of the equation by 116:

(116T) / 116 = 377.00 / 116

This simplifies to:

T = 3.25

Therefore, the cost of one ticket is $3.25.