Who were some of the mayor influences in the Harlem renaissance


Do you know what the Harlem renaissance was?www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmharlem1.html


Yes,it was a period of African American Artistic accomplishments

Yes, it was. Either or both of these sites will explain the influences at work at that time.

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The Harlem Renaissance was a vibrant cultural movement that took place in the 1920s and 1930s in Harlem, New York. It was a period of artistic, intellectual, and cultural revival for African Americans. Several influential figures played a key role in shaping the Harlem Renaissance. Here are some of them:

1. Langston Hughes: He was a renowned poet, novelist, and playwright. Hughes's works, such as "The Weary Blues" and "Harlem," captured the experiences of African Americans during this time. His writings voiced the struggles and aspirations of the black community.

2. Zora Neale Hurston: Known as a novelist, anthropologist, and filmmaker, Hurston depicted the vernacular culture of African Americans. Her most celebrated work, "Their Eyes Were Watching God," explored themes of identity and self-discovery.

3. Duke Ellington: As a composer, pianist, and bandleader, Duke Ellington became a symbol of the Harlem Renaissance in the realm of music. His jazz compositions fused different styles and helped shape the sound of the era.

4. Marcus Garvey: Although not an artist himself, Garvey had a significant impact on the Harlem Renaissance. As a political leader and activist, he emphasized black pride and encouraged self-determination within the African American community.

To find these influential figures in the Harlem Renaissance, you can conduct research using various sources. Start by searching for books, articles, and documentaries about the movement. Online platforms, libraries, and academic databases can provide valuable information and primary sources related to these individuals and their contributions.