Which of the following examples best demonstrates to most people that ethical progress has taken place over the past 200 years? (Points : 1)

Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race
Laws that have increased speed limits
Laws that prevented women from voting
Laws that prevented people from getting married
Laws that focus on protecting the ethnic majority

What is your answer?

Laws that prevented people from getting married

That's progress? I don't think so. Think about it, answers 3,4 and 5 all restrict someone's rights. Speed limits have nothing to do with ethical progress at all.

Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race


To determine which of the following examples best demonstrates to most people that ethical progress has taken place over the past 200 years, we need to analyze each option and understand how it relates to ethical progress.

1. Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race: This example is generally seen as a significant ethical progress because it promotes equal treatment and discourages racial discrimination. These laws aim to create a more inclusive society and protect people from prejudice based on their race.

2. Laws that have increased speed limits: While increasing speed limits may have practical implications and contribute to more efficient transportation systems, it does not necessarily relate to ethical progress. This example focuses more on logistical and safety considerations rather than ethical values.

3. Laws that prevented women from voting: This example does not demonstrate ethical progress, as it represents a historical limitation on the rights of women. Ethical progress would involve granting equal voting rights and opportunities to all individuals, regardless of their gender.

4. Laws that prevented people from getting married: Similar to the previous example, this example demonstrates a lack of ethical progress. It reflects historical discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community and denies them the right to marry, a fundamental aspect of many people's lives. Ethical progress, in this case, would involve recognizing and respecting LGBTQ+ rights, including the right to marriage.

5. Laws that focus on protecting the ethnic majority: This example might include laws that prioritize the interests of a specific ethnic group over others. However, ethical progress should aim for equal treatment and protection of all individuals, regardless of their ethnicity. Focusing solely on the interests of one ethnic majority could perpetuate discrimination and hinder genuine ethical progress.

In conclusion, the example that best demonstrates ethical progress over the past 200 years is "Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race." This example highlights the shift towards equality and inclusion, promoting a society that values diversity and treats all individuals with equal rights and respect.