Three capacitors (3.83, 5.89, and 12.9 μF) are connected in series across a 58.0 V battery. Calculate the voltage across the 3.83 μF capacitor.

C = q/V

so V = q/C
q1/C1 + q2/C2 + q3/C3 = 58
but q1=q2=q3
becaue where else are the electrons to come from or go to?
1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 = 58/ q
10^6 (1/3.83+1/5.89+1/12.9 = 58 /q
10^6 (.508) = 58 / q
q = (58/.508)10^-6

V = (58/.508)/3.83 = 29.8 volts

To calculate the voltage across the 3.83 μF capacitor, we need to first determine the total capacitance of the series combination of capacitors.

In a series circuit, the total capacitance (C_total) is given by the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of individual capacitances. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

1/C_total = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3

Let's plug in the values:

1/C_total = 1/3.83μF + 1/5.89μF + 1/12.9μF

Calculating the individual terms:

1/C_total = 0.26075 + 0.16984 + 0.07752

Adding these values:

1/C_total ≈ 0.50811

Now, taking the reciprocal on both sides:

C_total ≈ 1/0.50811

C_total ≈ 1.9679μF

The total capacitance (C_total) is approximately 1.9679 μF.

Next, we'll use the concept of voltage division to find the voltage across the 3.83 μF capacitor.

In a series circuit, the voltage across each component is distributed in proportion to its capacitance. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

V1/V_total = C1/C_total

Let's plug in the values:

V1/58.0V = 3.83μF / 1.9679μF

Simplifying the equation:

V1/58.0V ≈ 1.947

Now, solving for V1 (voltage across the 3.83 μF capacitor):

V1 ≈ 58.0V * 1.947

V1 ≈ 112.726V

Therefore, the voltage across the 3.83 μF capacitor is approximately 112.726V.