concurrent,confiscated, constitute, decipher, default, hypothetical, nominal, predominant, prerequisite, recession

1. The(predominant)color of the car is brown.but has a black roof

2. you saw the tow it away?. have you (default)on you car loan

3.if you have not been making you payment, the bank or dealer has the right to (confiscated) the car
4. later she told me she had gotten notice in the mail but threw them away because their language was too complicated to (decipher)
5. she also said she was having money problem. (hypothetical)with the car loan was a big home improvement loan
6. to top it all off, the city was having a (recession)
7. the only (nominal) for this free service were a regular job and willingness to pay ones debts in full.
8. the counselor and Martha planned what would (constitute) a reasonable budget, based on Martha income and expensive
9. they then wrote to companies she owed to arrange to pay a (prerequisite) amount each month.
10. they also discussed what she would do in several (concurrent) situation such as if her refrigerator died or her income change.

please check if right, if not can you please fix it

5, 7, 9, 10 are wrong.

The others are correct.

Please check a dictionary for these definitions.

5. No 7. No 9. No 10 No



1. The (predominant) color of the car is brown, but it has a black roof.

Explanation: The answer is correct.

2. Did you see the tow truck tow it away? Have you (defaulted) on your car loan?
Explanation: The correct word is "defaulted" instead of "(default)".

3. If you have not been making your payments, the bank or dealer has the right to (confiscate) the car.
Explanation: The correct word is "confiscate" instead of "(confiscated)".

4. Later she told me she had gotten notice in the mail but threw them away because their language was too complicated to (decipher).
Explanation: The answer is correct.

5. She also said she was having money problems. A (hypothetical) solution for the car loan was a big home improvement loan.
Explanation: The word "hypothetical" does not fit in this context. It seems like a different word should be used here.

6. To top it all off, the city was experiencing a (recession).
Explanation: The answer is correct.

7. The only (nominal) requirements for this free service were a regular job and willingness to pay one's debts in full.
Explanation: The word "nominal" does not fit in this context. It seems like a different word should be used here.

8. The counselor and Martha planned what would (constitute) a reasonable budget, based on Martha's income and expenses.
Explanation: The answer is correct.

9. They then wrote to companies she owed to arrange to pay a (predetermined) amount each month.
Explanation: The word "prerequisite" does not accurately convey the intended meaning. It should be replaced with "predetermined".

10. They also discussed what she would do in several (contingent) situations, such as if her refrigerator died or her income changed.
Explanation: The word "concurrent" does not accurately convey the intended meaning. It should be replaced with "contingent".