Ms. Sue, can you please assist me on this? How has globalization affected cultural identities and consumerism?

In today’s world the problem of cultural identity shouldn’t be miscalculated. In the world today there are more nation are affected by the phenomenon of globalization. However, globalization takes the lead to the shortfall of ethnic identities. There are people from different countries that come more connected to share culture. In my opinion, globalization engages in recreation a significant role in cultural identity. Since globalization affects racial identity without a doubt in divergent aspects. English is used in globalization, business and politics. Primary Example- English is the language of the Internet, communication, science and entertainment. The cultural consumerism is the entry to resources on a global foundation, fundamental understanding globalization being the concept of consumerism. To elaborate this connection explicitly, understand the natural world of present consumption. The present, a product are being consumed, include technological innovation.

Let's find your words that answer this question.

How has globalization affected cultural identities and consumerism?

cultural identities

"people from different countries that come more connected to share culture"

"English is used in globalization, business and politics. Primary Example- English is the language of the Internet, communication, science and entertainment."

consumerism ???

You need to find more examples of how globalization has affected cultural identities.

Think about consumerism. American companies like Coca Cola, McDonalds, and KFC have spread around the world. Look at the labels on your clothes. Where were they made? What about grapefruit juice from Brazil, coffee from Ecuador, chocolate from Kenya? Even the poorest people in the world have access to cell phones and the internet.

jimmy, I'm not Ms.Sue, and don't mean to butt in, but I have some advice to add to her good advice. Please use simple words to express your ideas. I have trouble reading your essay because you use words and long sentences that you may think make you sound smart, but are confusing in your context. If recreation shared among cultures (soccer?) contributes to globalization, say so. Or do you mean something different?

That's one example of what I mean. There are several others I could cite where I am unclear about what you mean. I think you're on the right track, but need to express yourself more clearly.

Reed is absolutely right. Jimmy -- please follow his advice.

Ms.Sue, I need your assisting please. Can you please give me advice on this Chipolatta Culture Music, I need you. Thank you.

The Chipolatta music instruments consist of things like, drums, flutes, and other percussion instruments including their voices which can be heard throughout the whole village. Even though the music is influenced by the American lifestyle, there is still a presence of the belief-system that make up the culture of these Chipolatta people. Music is always attended, by drums. There are types of drums and jangles are the leader percussion instruments. The Chipolatta listen to wind instruments for whistles and flutes. The Chipolatta express their music, sense of hearing through tone and rhythm. Although their musical experience is this recreation ground of sound. However, the traditionally is music meaning of communicating with songs such as bringing of rain and skirmish. The Chipolatta music is passing on to one generation to another generation: ritual is something like dreams and modern music. The Chipolatta music beliefs its own as art when listened to it for their own sake

Globalization has had a profound impact on cultural identities and consumerism. One way it has affected cultural identities is by promoting a more interconnected world where people from different countries can easily share and exchange their cultures. This has led to the blending of different cultural elements and the emergence of hybrid identities.

For example, the widespread use of English as the language of globalization has not only facilitated global communication but has also influenced the cultural identities of individuals. English is now used extensively in business, politics, science, and entertainment, which has led to the adoption of certain cultural aspects associated with the English-speaking world.

On the other hand, globalization has also resulted in the loss or erosion of certain cultural identities. As globalized markets and consumerism spread, traditional customs, values, and languages may face challenges in maintaining their prominence. This can lead to cultural homogenization, where unique cultural identities are overshadowed by more dominant global forces.

Consumerism, which is a key aspect of globalization, is also influenced by cultural identities. Consumer culture involves the acquisition and consumption of products and services. Globalization has facilitated the access to resources on a global scale, allowing people from different cultures to consume products from around the world. Through consumerism, individuals express their cultural identities by choosing products that align with their values, beliefs, and preferences.

To understand the specific impacts of globalization on cultural identities and consumerism, it is important to conduct further research and analysis. This could involve studying specific cases, conducting surveys or interviews, and examining trends and patterns in global markets and consumer behavior. By doing so, a more comprehensive understanding of how globalization influences cultural identities and consumerism can be developed.