Max charges $3.50 per hour when he mows lawns, plus $6.00 for transportation expenses. Which function rule represents the amount y Max charges to mow lawns for x hours?

y = 9.50x
y = 6.00x + 3.50
y = 3.50x + 6.00*****
y = 2.5x


To determine the correct function rule that represents the amount Max charges to mow lawns for x hours, we need to identify the fixed transportation expenses and the hourly rate.

According to the given information, Max charges $3.50 per hour for mowing lawns and an additional $6.00 for transportation expenses.

The fixed transportation expenses of $6.00 are added to the total cost, regardless of the number of hours spent mowing lawns.

The variable cost is the product of the hourly rate ($3.50) and the number of hours (x).

Therefore, the correct function rule that represents the amount y Max charges to mow lawns for x hours is:
y = 3.50x + 6.00