I am having trouble under standing these questions can someone please help?

11. What resources led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England? (5 points)

12. During the early 1800s, the United States tried to make peace with other countries in order to grow and develop. Give an example of one of these peace efforts and briefly explain what it hoped to accomplish. (5 points)

13. How did sectionalism emerge in the 1820s? Compare the priorities of the regions. (5 points) (5 points)

just to let you know i don't want the straight answer just an explanation

I answered below. Don't ask again until you

have done some studying.


Thanks Ms.Sue this help a bit!

NEW England. Okay:



Of course! Let's go through each question step by step and see how we can approach finding the answers:

11. What resources led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England?

To answer this question, you can start by researching and understanding what the Industrial Revolution was and why it started. The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant technological advancement and industrialization that began in the late 18th century in Great Britain and eventually spread to other parts of the world, including the United States.

New England, located in the northeastern part of the United States, played a crucial role in the Industrial Revolution due to several key resources and factors. Some resources that led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England include:

- Water power: New England had abundant water sources, including rivers and streams, which served as an essential source of power for factories. Waterwheels and later water turbines were used to drive machinery and enable large-scale production.
- Access to ports: New England's proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and its numerous ports facilitated trade and the importation of raw materials, such as cotton and wool, which were necessary for the textile industry.
- Skilled labor force: New England had a population of skilled artisans and craftsmen who were able to adapt and apply their skills to the new machinery and manufacturing processes of the Industrial Revolution.
- Availability of capital: New England had a thriving merchant class and access to capital, which allowed for investments in factories, machinery, and infrastructure.

By combining these resources, New England was able to develop and expand its manufacturing industries, especially textile production, leading to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in the region.

12. During the early 1800s, the United States tried to make peace with other countries in order to grow and develop. Give an example of one of these peace efforts and briefly explain what it hoped to accomplish.

To answer this question, you need to look for examples of peace efforts made by the United States during the early 1800s and understand their goals and objectives. A significant peace effort during this time was the Treaty of Ghent.

The Treaty of Ghent was signed on December 24, 1814, between the United States and Great Britain, effectively ending the War of 1812. The main objective of the treaty was to establish peace and restore relations between the two nations. Key points of the treaty included:

- Ceasefire: The treaty called for an immediate cessation of hostilities between the United States and Great Britain.
- Territorial status quo: The borders and territories between the United States and British North American colonies were to be restored to what they were before the war.
- Trade and maritime issues: The treaty addressed various trade and maritime concerns, including the freedom of navigation and the rights of neutral shipping.

The Treaty of Ghent aimed to bring peace and stability to the United States, as well as promote economic growth and development through resumed trade relations with Great Britain.

13. How did sectionalism emerge in the 1820s? Compare the priorities of the regions.

To answer this question, you need to understand what sectionalism means and how it emerged in the 1820s, as well as compare the priorities of different regions within the United States during that time.

Sectionalism refers to the loyalty or support that people have for a particular region, rather than for the entire country as a whole. It often arises from differences in economic interests, political beliefs, or cultural values between different regions. In the context of the United States in the 1820s, there were two primary regions with distinct priorities: the North and the South.

The emergence of sectionalism in the 1820s can be attributed to several key factors:

1. Slavery and the Missouri Compromise: The issue of slavery became a major dividing factor between the North and the South. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 attempted to maintain a balance between free and slave states by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It also established a boundary line (36°30') to determine where slavery was allowed in newly acquired territories.

2. Economic differences: The North was becoming increasingly industrialized, with a focus on manufacturing and trade, while the South relied heavily on agriculture, specifically the plantation system based on slave labor. These economic differences led to conflicting priorities and interests between the two regions.

3. Political and ideological differences: The North generally supported tariffs and internal improvements to promote economic growth, while the South opposed these measures, viewing them as benefiting the North at the expense of the South. Additionally, differences in social and cultural values further deepened the divide between the regions.

In comparing the priorities of the regions, the North prioritized industrialization, trade, and manufacturing, while the South prioritized agriculture, slavery, and states' rights.

If you need more in-depth information on these topics or have further questions, don't hesitate to ask!