). a^4b plus a^2b^3

a^4b + a^2 B^3

a^4b plus a^2b^3

a^4b + a^2 B^3

Thank you for the answer, but please explain it to me how you got it

eh? It's just what you wrote. If you want to factor it, then you have


To simplify the expression `a^4b + a^2b^3`, we can combine like terms by adding the coefficients (numbers in front of the variables) if the variables have the same base and exponent.

In this case, both terms have the same variable, which is `a` and `b`, but with different exponents.

Let's break down the expression:

1. `a^4b` means `a` raised to the power of 4, multiplied by `b`.
2. `a^2b^3` means `a` raised to the power of 2, multiplied by `b` raised to the power of 3.

Since the variable `a` is raised to different powers in the two terms, we cannot combine them directly by adding the coefficients.

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression `a^4b + a^2b^3` is `a^4b + a^2b^3`.