The radius of a circular field is 31.5 meters.what is its circumference ?

C = pi * d

C = 3.14 * 63

C = ?

To find the circumference of a circle, we can use the formula:

Circumference = 2 * π * Radius

First, let's substitute the given radius into the formula:
Circumference = 2 * π * 31.5 meters

Now, let's calculate the circumference using the value of π. The value of π is approximately 3.14159 (commonly rounded to 3.14):
Circumference = 2 * 3.14 * 31.5 meters

Performing the calculation:
Circumference = 6.28 * 31.5 meters

Multiplying these numbers gives us:
Circumference = 197.82 meters

Therefore, the circumference of the circular field is 197.82 meters.