if you earned a 17 on a quiz what would your score indicate the best performance

a. x=15 and s=2.4
b. x=15 and s=2.1
c. x=17 and s=2.4
d. x=17 and s=2.1

Z = (score-mean)/SD = (17-mean)/SD

Which has the highest Z score?

To determine the best performance based on a quiz score of 17, we need to compare it with the mean (x) and standard deviation (s) given for each option.

a. x=15 and s=2.4
Here, the mean score is 15 and the standard deviation is 2.4. Since 17 is greater than 15 (the mean), this option indicates a better performance compared to the mean.

b. x=15 and s=2.1
In this case, the mean score is 15 and the standard deviation is 2.1. Again, as 17 is greater than 15 (the mean), this option suggests a better performance compared to the mean.

c. x=17 and s=2.4
For this option, the mean score is 17 and the standard deviation is 2.4. Since the quiz score is exactly equal to the mean, it suggests an average performance, not the best.

d. x=17 and s=2.1
In this scenario, the mean score is 17 and the standard deviation is 2.1. Since the score matches the mean exactly, it also represents an average performance.

Based on the given information, options a and b both indicate better performance than options c and d since the quiz score of 17 is higher than the mean scores for options a and b.