While in Europe, if you drive 125km per day, how much money would you spend on gas in one week if gas costs 1.10 euros per liter and your car's gas mileage is 26.0mi/gal ? Assume that 1euro=1.26dollars.

What do you need help with. These conversion factors are all over the web.

To calculate how much money you would spend on gas in one week while driving 125 km per day in Europe, we need to break down the problem into several steps:

Step 1: Convert the car's gas mileage to metric units.
Since gas mileage is given in miles per gallon (mi/gal), we need to convert it to kilometers per liter (km/L) as we will be using the metric system. The conversion factor for this is:

1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers
1 gallon = 3.78541 liters

So, the car's gas mileage in km/L is calculated as follows:
26.0 mi/gal * 1.60934 km/mi / 3.78541 L/gal = 11.04 km/L

Step 2: Calculate the total liters of gas consumed in a week.
Since we are driving 125 km per day, the total distance traveled in a week can be found by multiplying the daily distance by 7 (representing the 7 days in a week):
Total distance traveled in a week = 125 km/day * 7 days = 875 km

Now, using the car's mileage of 11.04 km/L from Step 1, we can calculate the total liters of gas consumed in a week:
Total liters of gas consumed = Total distance traveled in a week / Car's mileage
= 875 km / 11.04 km/L = 79.19 L (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 3: Calculate the cost of gas for one week.
Given that gas costs 1.10 euros per liter, we can now calculate the total cost of gas for one week:
Total cost of gas for one week = Total liters of gas consumed * Cost per liter
= 79.19 L * 1.10 euros/L = 87.11 euros (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 4: Convert euros to dollars.
Since the conversion rate is given as 1 euro = 1.26 dollars, we can convert the cost of gas from euros to dollars:
Total cost of gas for one week in dollars = Total cost of gas for one week * Conversion rate
= 87.11 euros * 1.26 dollars/euro = 109.91 dollars (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, you would spend approximately 109.91 dollars on gas in one week while driving 125 km per day in Europe.