Please , help me i don't know how to draw a flow chart , how it does..ang we given an . And i need an example to get others answer. Please illustrate to me the answer of this.

Draw a flowchart to print the first N even positive integers and print the sum.


How to draw a flow chart to print all even number below 100 in descending order

Sure, I can help you with that! To draw a flowchart, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the flowchart by drawing a "Start" symbol, typically represented as an oval shape.
2. Decide on the input required for the problem. In this case, the input will be the value of N, which represents the number of even positive integers to be printed.
3. Draw a parallelogram shape and write "Enter N" inside to represent the input.
4. Connect the "Enter N" shape to a diamond shape using an arrow. The diamond shape will represent a decision point.
5. Inside the diamond, write the condition to check if N is greater than zero.
6. If the condition is true (N > 0), draw a rectangle shape and write "Initialize Sum" inside it. This step is needed to initialize the sum variable.
7. Connect the diamond shape to the rectangular shape using an arrow labeled "Yes."
8. From the "Initialize Sum" rectangle, draw an arrow downwards and connect it to a loop shape. The loop shape will represent a loop to print the even positive integers and add them to the sum.
9. Inside the loop shape, write the steps needed to print the current even positive integer and update the sum.
10. After printing the even positive integer and adding it to the sum, draw an arrow connecting back to the loop shape to repeat the process, as long as the loop condition is true.
11. Beside the loop shape, draw another diamond shape to check if the count of even positive integers printed is equal to N.
12. If the condition is true, draw a rectangle shape to represent the output and write "Print Sum" inside it.
13. Connect the diamond shape to the rectangular shape using an arrow labeled "Yes."
14. Draw another arrow from the "Print Sum" rectangle back to the "Start" symbol, creating a loop, indicating that the flowchart can be run again.
15. Finally, draw an arrow labeled "No" from the check condition diamond shape to the "Start" symbol to end the flowchart.

Here's an example of a flowchart for printing the first N even positive integers and printing the sum:

│ Start │

│ Enter N │

│ N > 0 ? │
│ │
Yes ▼ │ No
│Initialize Sum │

│ Print Even │
│ Add to Sum │

│ Count = N ? │
│ │
No ▼ │ Yes
│ Start │

│ Print Sum │
│ │

I hope this helps!