The speaker in "The Road Not Taken" is a person who?

A. Is lost in the woods
B.Remembers making a decision
C.Is currently standing at a forn in the road
D.Likes to walk on a well beaten path.

you go to a connections academy huh? little cheater like me. lol

i like how people respond a year apart

lol same

for real. lol

why we all the same for lmao

To determine the speaker in the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, we need to analyze the poem itself. The first step is to read the poem and look for clues or indications about the speaker's perspective and situation.

In the poem, the speaker mentions taking a different path from the one most traveled by people. They express that their choice has made all the difference in their life. With this information, we can eliminate options A, B, and D.

Option A, "Is lost in the woods," can be discarded because there is no mention of the speaker being lost. Rather, they describe standing at a fork in the road and choosing the less popular path.

Option B, "Remembers making a decision," can also be eliminated because the speaker is not explicitly reminiscing about a past decision. They are reflecting on the impact and consequences of the decision they made.

Option D, "Likes to walk on a well-beaten path," is not supported in the poem either. In fact, the speaker specifically mentions taking the road that is less traveled, indicating a willingness to explore the unknown.

This leaves us with option C, "Is currently standing at a fork in the road." This is the most accurate description of the speaker in "The Road Not Taken." The poem depicts the speaker at a significant crossroad, contemplating which path to choose.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.

What do you think?