An agent who has an interest in the subject matter of the agency has a ________ agency?

A. irrevocable
B. express
C. interested
D. undisclosed

I chose C.
Am I correct?

You need the definitions first.

Irrevocable - cant be changed, reversed or recovered. Its always going to be final.

I'm not sure how to give a definition of express because that is more of an expression so we can eliminate B.

Interested - Having an interest or involvement, not impartial or disinterested.

Undisclosed - this means not revealed or not made known publicly. So I cant tell you the answer cause I'm not too sure but I can tell you that you can do process of elimination when given some definitions. Hope this helps a little.

No, the correct answer is B. express agency.

To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the different types of agencies. An agency refers to a legal relationship where one person, known as the principal, gives another person, known as the agent, the authority to act on their behalf. The agent represents the principal's interests and typically has a specific area of expertise or subject matter.

Now, let's consider the options:

A. Irrevocable agency: This refers to an agency relationship that cannot be revoked or terminated by either party without the other party's consent. It does not address the agent's interest in the subject matter, so it is not the correct answer.

B. Express agency: This refers to an agency relationship where the authority and responsibilities of the agent are explicitly stated and agreed upon in either written or oral form. This is the correct answer as it addresses the agent's interest in the subject matter, indicating a specific and agreed-upon relationship.

C. Interested agency: This term is not commonly used in the context of agency law, and it does not accurately describe an agency relationship based on an agent's interest in the subject matter. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

D. Undisclosed agency: This refers to an agency relationship where the principal is not disclosed to third parties, meaning that the third party is unaware of the agent's representation. It does not directly address the agent's interest in the subject matter, so it is not the correct answer.

In conclusion, the correct answer is B. express agency, as it best represents an agent who has an interest in the subject matter of the agency.