From reading the short story "The Boat", what are the effects when people refuse to be restricted to the confines of a particular society? This is an essay topic that I chose, and I am not sure if my three subtopics cover it all (anger/disappointment, loss, and gaining potential).Please help.

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I tried to answer earlier. Who will be angry or disappointed? Yes, the society of origin may be angry and/or disappointed at someone who wants to "rock the boat." What is YOUR point of view? As for loss, who stands to lose? And what would be lost? And I'm not sure what you mean by "gaining potential." Someone who questions established mores, etc., may gain a lot in knowledge and perspective, and the society may gain as well if it is open to new ideas. In Joseph Campbell's reading of world mythology in his book "The Hero With a Thousand Faces," the hero is always the one who refuses to be constrained by "conventional wisdom." I think you may be on the right track here, but make sure you are clear about who loses and who gains, and why.

Ms. Sue's advice is excellent. Do go to that web site. I'm sure it will help.

I am trying to mention all characters, those who were refusing restrictions, and those who were affected by the others actions. The question does say what are the effects of refusing restriction, whether they be positive or not. Anger/disappointment was shown by the narrator's mother the most. She did not like the decisions of her husband, daughters, and son, all of them going against tradition or hating it. The loss, was how the narrator's sisters left to follow their dreams, that was an positive and negative effect. The father also died, and the narrator pursued a white collar career, which were huge losses for the mother. The subtopic of gaining potential comes in when the father dies and the narrator/son has be freed from the fishing tradition, able to reach his highest potential now. I just don't think I can give enough proof for each subtopic, I don't think they are good. Also, when it comes to the thesis i don't know how these all relate. Would I say that refusing to be restricted is the only way the impossible can be achieved or something. Im sooo confused.

My impression of your assignment is to answer this question:

What are the effects when people refuse to be restricted to the confines of a particular society?

I don't think you have to write your essay about the people in the story.

We do however have to give direct quotes from the story, which are examples of what has happened to the people in it. I need 3 points and 3 proofs per subtopic, and so Im not sure if my subtopics are correct or suitable. please I really do need help.


please, oh please

What is your thesis statement?

That what I'm confused about, I don't know how my subtopics tie in really. would it be something along the lines of 'refusing to be restricted is the only way to achieve the impossible'. I mean each character had to sacrifice something because nothing would have changed if the stayed under those restrictions. I am not sure, and I am desperate to know.