Select the three words that belong together. To do this, pick oneword from each three sets below.

Set 1. Estuary, lake, nertic zone
Set 2. Hight salt, intermediate salt, no salt
Set 3. Trout, coral, oyster

1. Neritic zone, intermediate salt, oyster
2. Lake, no salt, coral
3. Estuary, intermediate salt, trout
4. Neritic zone, hight salt, coral

I think it is 4

I agree.

ok. thank you so much

You're welcome.

To correctly answer this question, we need to understand the meanings of the words in each set and then identify the three words that belong together based on their characteristics.

Set 1 consists of three different aquatic environments: estuary, lake, and neritic zone. An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal area where freshwater from rivers meets and mixes with saltwater from the ocean. A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land with no direct connection to the ocean. The neritic zone refers to the shallow part of the ocean that extends from the coast to the edge of the continental shelf.

Set 2 describes three levels of salt concentration: high salt, intermediate salt, and no salt. High salt indicates a high level of salinity, intermediate salt suggests a moderate level of salinity, and no salt means the absence of salt.

Set 3 consists of three different types of aquatic organisms: trout, coral, and oyster. Trout is a freshwater fish commonly found in rivers and lakes. Coral refers to marine invertebrates that form reefs or colonies in warm, shallow waters. Oysters are mollusks found mainly in brackish or saltwater environments.

Looking at the choices, we need to find the correct combination where the three words have some logical connection or similarity. Among the choices provided:

1. Neritic zone, intermediate salt, oyster: The neritic zone and oyster are both related to saltwater environments, but there is no connection between intermediate salt and oyster.
2. Lake, no salt, coral: The association between lake and no salt is correct, but coral does not typically thrive in freshwater environments.
3. Estuary, intermediate salt, trout: Estuary and trout are both associated with brackish or saltwater conditions, and intermediate salt also fits in this context.
4. Neritic zone, high salt, coral: The neritic zone and coral are related to saltwater environments, but there is no connection between high salt and coral.

Therefore, the correct choice is number 3: Estuary, intermediate salt, trout.