Is my answer correct

First describe how colonization and globalization have affected sociopolitical systems, and then discuss how political systems change. Give examples for each objective.
Colonization is the practice of one country taking over another with their people. Imperialism continuously implies colonialism. There was the Colonialism > political, social, economic and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time. Imperialism always implies colonialism. Age of Discovery (1492 – 1850) Spain and Portugal
Globalization, on the other hand, is the spread of one society's media, culture to absorb that of another society. For example, the popularity movies capitalism is globalization as Western ideas adopted by outsiders. One key component of globalization is the globalization of risk. Environmental and technological risks have multiplied. The rise of the Internet and cable/satellite TV has blurred the distinction between the global, national and local.

Your explanation of colonization and globalization is mostly accurate. However, it is important to note that colonization goes beyond just the practice of one country taking over another with their people. It involves political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended period of time. Imperialism is often associated with colonialism because it implies the expansion of a nation's power and influence over other countries.

For the objective of discussing how colonization and globalization have affected sociopolitical systems, you can provide examples of specific impacts. For colonization, you can talk about how the colonization of Africa by European powers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries led to the establishment of colonial administrations and the subjugation of local populations. This resulted in the imposition of foreign political systems, social hierarchies, and economic exploitation.

In the case of globalization, you can discuss how the spread of Western media, culture, and ideas has influenced sociopolitical systems around the world. For example, the popularity of Hollywood movies and Western capitalism can be seen as forms of globalization, as they are adopted and integrated into different societies. This can lead to changes in cultural values, economic systems, and political ideologies.

Regarding the objective of discussing how political systems change, you can explain the various factors that drive political change, such as social movements, technological advancements, economic shifts, and ideological transformations. Give examples of political systems that have undergone significant changes. For instance, the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the late 20th century led to the transition from authoritarian socialist regimes to more democratic and market-oriented systems.

To support your explanations, you can refer to historical events, scholarly research, and case studies that illustrate these concepts.