What is the uses of calcium tri oxo carbonate (iv) (caco3)

Calcium trioxocarbonate(IV), also known as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), has several uses. Here are a few:

1. Construction Material: One of the primary uses of calcium carbonate is as a construction material. It is used as a building stone and as an aggregate in cement and mortar, providing strength and durability to structures.

2. Fillers and Extenders: Calcium carbonate is used as a filler and extender in various industries. It is added to products like paper, paints, plastics, and rubber to improve their physical properties and reduce costs.

3. Dietary Supplement: Calcium carbonate is a common dietary supplement used to provide the body with calcium, a mineral essential for bone health. It is often found in nutritional supplements and antacids.

4. Soil Amendment: In agriculture, calcium carbonate is used as a soil amendment to neutralize acidic soils. It helps balance the soil's pH level, enhance nutrient uptake by plants, and improve overall soil fertility.

5. Water Treatment: Calcium carbonate is used in water treatment processes to remove impurities and adjust pH levels. It can act as a neutralizing agent for acidic water and a coagulant to remove contaminants.

To find out more about specific uses of calcium carbonate in various industries or applications, you can refer to scientific literature, industry publications, or consult experts in the respective fields.


see uses as fertilizer, antacid, dietary calcium supplement, etc.

Isn't calcium carbonate a perfectly good name?