how to know whether i should use formulaes

in this question or that question becoz i colllapsed and put the formulae to another question

When deciding whether to use formulas in a particular question, there are a few things you can consider:

1. Read the question carefully: Read the question and understand what it is asking. Sometimes, the question may explicitly mention using a specific formula or equation, in which case you should use it. Other times, you may need to apply your knowledge and judgment to determine whether a formula is applicable.

2. Identify key variables: Look for the important variables or quantities mentioned in the question. If you can relate these variables to a known formula or equation, it is likely that you should use it. Remember, formulas are mathematical expressions that help you solve specific problems.

3. Check if the question involves relevant concepts: Consider if the question aligns with the concepts and principles that the formula represents. Formulas are derived from underlying concepts, so if the formula relates to the topic of the question, it is a good indication that you should use it.

4. Think about problem-solving strategies: In some cases, even if a formula is not explicitly mentioned, you can still use it if it helps you solve the problem efficiently or guide your thinking. Various formulas can be derived by combining different equations or manipulating known formulas, so be open to using them when appropriate.

5. Practice and familiarity: As you practice solving different types of problems, you will become more comfortable in recognizing when to use specific formulas. By studying and applying formulas repeatedly, you will develop an intuition for their application.

Remember, using formulas is not always the only approach to solving a problem. Sometimes, other problem-solving strategies like logical reasoning, estimation, or graphical analysis may be more appropriate. The key is to develop a good understanding of the underlying concepts and recognize when formulas can be applied effectively.