Alyssa claims that dividing by 4/5 is the same thing as multiplying by 5 then dividing by 4. Is she correct



To determine if Alyssa's claim is correct, we can compare the results of both operations.

To divide by 4/5, you need to multiply by the reciprocal of 4/5, which is 5/4. So, if we have a number, let's say x, dividing it by 4/5 can be written as x ÷ 4/5 and is equivalent to multiplying by 5/4, which gives (x ÷ 4/5) = (x × 5/4).

Now, let's consider the alternative operation that Alyssa claimed: multiplying by 5 and then dividing by 4. We can represent this as (x × 5) ÷ 4.

To check if both operations result in the same answer, let's simplify both expressions:

(x ÷ 4/5) = (x × 5/4)
= (5x) ÷ (4) [by multiplying both numerator and denominator by 5]

(x × 5) ÷ 4

As we can see, (5x ÷ 4) and (x × 5) ÷ 4 are equivalent, meaning that Alyssa's claim is correct.