Mary bought and beans from a wholesaler. She then mixed the maize and beans ratio 4:3, she bought the maize as $12 per kg and the beans $4 per kg. if she was to make a profit of 30 %. What should be the selling of price 1 kg of the mixture?

To find the selling price of 1 kg of the mixture, we need to calculate the total cost price (CP) and then add the profit to get the selling price (SP).

First, let's calculate the cost price.

Let the cost of 1 kg of maize be x and the cost of 1 kg of beans be y.

According to the given information:
x = $12 (cost per kg of maize)
y = $4 (cost per kg of beans)

Next, we need to determine the ratio of maize and beans in the mixture. Given that the ratio is 4:3, we can assume that there are 4 parts of maize and 3 parts of beans.

So, if we take 4 parts of maize, it will be 4x, and if we take 3 parts of beans, it will be 3y.

The total cost of the mixture (CP) will be the sum of the cost of maize and the cost of beans:
CP = 4x + 3y

Now, let's calculate the profit.
We want to make a profit of 30%, which means the selling price (SP) should be 130% of the cost price (CP).

SP = CP + (30/100) * CP
SP = CP(1 + 30/100)
SP = 1.3 * CP

Finally, we can substitute the value of CP and solve for SP:
SP = 1.3 * (4x + 3y)

Therefore, the selling price (SP) of 1 kg of the mixture should be 1.3 times the cost price, which is 1.3 * (4x + 3y).