kathyrn is thinking of four numbers from 1 through 9 with a sum of 18 find the numbers. this is the questions to the answer above.

is it 9, 10, 8, and 4

No. 9 + 10 = 19 That's more than 18.

are the answers 10, 8, and 9, 9

Do those four numbers add up to 18?

well 9+9=18 and i can'tthink of any other numbers since is has to be 1 through 9

Start with the smallest numbers.

8+6+3+1= 18

Sadie/Jackie -- please use the same name for your posts.

Your last answer is correct.

To find the four numbers, we can use a systematic approach. Since the sum of the numbers is 18 and they range from 1 to 9, we can start by assuming the first number is 1 and iterate through the remaining numbers, checking if the sum is equal to 18. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Start by assuming the first number is 1.
2. Iterate through the possible values for the second number, which can be any number from 1 to 9 except for 1 (since we used it as the first number).
3. For each possible second number, iterate again through the remaining numbers.
4. During each iteration of the second and third numbers, calculate the sum of the current numbers.
5. If the sum of the current four numbers is equal to 18, we have found a solution. If not, continue iterating until all possibilities are exhausted.

Here's an example of how this process would work:

Assuming the first number is 1:
- Possible second numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Assuming the second number is 2:
- Possible third numbers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Assuming the third number is 3:
- Possible fourth numbers: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Sum of the four numbers: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 (not equal to 18)
- Assuming the third number is 4:
- Sum of the four numbers: 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 11 (not equal to 18)
- Continue iterating until all possibilities are exhausted.

By following this process, you can systematically check all possible combinations of the four numbers to determine which combination sums up to 18.