Debate for the motion boys should not be help in the kichen

yes, that's sort of like English.

Points for the motion


Boys main objective is to gain money for the family inother for the family to survive

To debate the motion "Boys should not be help in the kitchen," follow these steps:

1. Understand the motion: The motion suggests that boys should not receive assistance or participate in kitchen-related activities. Discussing the arguments for and against this position can provide a well-rounded debate.

2. Research: Gather information about different perspectives regarding gender roles, equality, and stereotypes related to kitchen work. Familiarize yourself with relevant statistics, studies, and real-life examples to support your arguments.

3. Structure the debate: Establish a clear structure for the debate, usually consisting of opening statements, rebuttals, and closing arguments. Allocate time for each participant to present their views and respond to counterarguments.

4. Arguments in favor: Individuals supporting the motion may argue that boys should focus on other areas of development, such as academics or sports, rather than getting involved in household chores traditionally associated with women. They might also mention gender-specific roles as a means of maintaining family dynamics or cultural norms.

5. Counterarguments: Those opposing the motion can argue that gender should not determine an individual's role in the kitchen or any domestic task. They can emphasize the importance of equality and breaking down societal stereotypes. Additionally, they can argue that learning kitchen skills benefits everyone, regardless of gender, by fostering independence, healthy eating habits, and self-sufficiency.

6. Addressing stereotypes: Discuss how gender stereotypes can negatively impact both boys and girls. Break down the notion that certain tasks should be assigned based on gender, highlighting that anyone can excel in any field if given the opportunity and encouragement.

7. Real-life examples: Support your arguments by providing real-life examples of successful male chefs, entrepreneurs, or homemakers who challenge gender norms. Showcase how their skills and involvement in the kitchen have enabled them to thrive personally and professionally.

8. Rebuttals and counter-rebuttals: Engage with opposing arguments by providing logical reasoning and counterexamples. When challenging counterarguments, maintain a respectful and evidence-based approach.

9. Conclusion: Summarize the main points you made during the debate and emphasize the importance of inclusivity, equal opportunities, and breaking down gender stereotypes.

Remember, regardless of your personal opinion, engaging in a respectful and thought-provoking debate will help foster a better understanding of the topic and promote healthy discussions.