I have 14 hundreds, 16 tens and 9 ones. What number am I?


1400 + 160 + 9 = 1569

are you guys learning place value???




To find the number that corresponds to the given quantities of hundreds, tens, and ones, we need to understand the place value system. In the place value system, each digit represents a different place value: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on.

In this case, we have 14 hundreds, 16 tens, and 9 ones. To determine the number, we need to multiply the number of hundreds by 100, the number of tens by 10, and add them together along with the number of ones.

Now, let's calculate:
- 14 hundreds multiplied by 100 is 1,400.
- 16 tens multiplied by 10 is 160.
- 9 ones.

Adding all the values together, we get:
1,400 + 160 + 9 = 1,569.

Therefore, the number you have is 1,569.