The first X games featured biking and skateboarding.

To find the answer to this question, you can either do a quick internet search or consult a reliable gaming source.

1. Internet Search:
- Open your preferred web browser.
- Type "First X Games" into the search bar.
- Look for reputable sources, like official X Games websites or articles from well-known gaming publications.
- Browse through the search results and look for information about the early X Games and the sports featured.
- Pay attention to official event websites or reliable sources that provide historical information about the X Games.
- Look for information specifically about the inaugural X Games or the early years of the event.
- Note any details about the sports featured, such as biking and skateboarding.

2. Gaming Sources:
- Check official X Games channels, websites, or social media accounts.
- Look for historical or archived content related to the early years of the X Games.
- Explore gaming websites or forums that cover the X Games.
- Consult gaming publications or magazines that have covered the event over the years.
- Look for specific articles or features that discuss the first X Games and the sports involved.

By following one of these methods, you should be able to find accurate information about the first X Games and confirm whether biking and skateboarding were indeed featured in the early years of the event.