2. Jamar and Scout are having a candle wax drinking competition! Jamar has already downed 14 oz. of candle wax and can drink it at a rate of 3 oz. of candle wax per minute and Scott has only downed 8 ox. of candle wax so far but can drink it at the faster rate of 5 oz. per minute.

Write a system of equations to represent the amount of wax ingested, w, in the terms of the minutes passed, m, for Jamar and Scott.


w = 3m+ 14

w = 5m + 8

A rather silly question!

Let's start by defining the variables:

w = amount of wax ingested (in ounces)
m = minutes passed

For Jamar:
Jamar has already ingested 14 oz. of wax, and he can drink it at a rate of 3 oz. per minute. So his equation would be:
w = 14 + 3m

For Scott:
Scott has already ingested 8 oz. of wax, and he can drink it at a rate of 5 oz. per minute. So his equation would be:
w = 8 + 5m

Therefore, the system of equations to represent the amount of wax ingested in terms of the minutes passed for Jamar and Scott would be:
Jamar: w = 14 + 3m
Scott: w = 8 + 5m