I am having some chemistry problems.

3. The graph compares the 1s orbital energies for the F atom (Z = 9), the Ne+ ion (Z = 10), and the Na++ ion (Z = 11).
(the graph shows F having an Orbital Energy of 692.45, Ne+ with 47.74, and Na++ with 33.52)

a. How many electrons does each species have?

b. According to the graph, which species is most stable?

c. Use Coulomb's law to explain the energy measurements shown in the graph and how this affects the distribution of electrons.

a. To determine the number of electrons each species has, we need to look at their atomic numbers (Z).

- The F atom (Z = 9) has 9 electrons.
- The Ne+ ion (Z = 10) has 10 electrons. Note that the plus sign indicates the loss of one electron.
- The Na++ ion (Z = 11) has 11 electrons. The double plus sign indicates the loss of two electrons.

b. According to the graph, the species with the lowest orbital energy is the most stable. From the given values, we can see that the Na++ ion has the lowest orbital energy at 33.52. Therefore, the Na++ ion is the most stable of the three species shown on the graph.

c. Coulomb's law states that the electrostatic force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges (Q1 and Q2) and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them (r). In this case, we can relate Coulomb's law to the energy measurements shown in the graph.

The positive charge on the nucleus (Z) of an atom/ion attracts the negatively charged electrons, thus holding them in orbit around the nucleus. The energy measurements in the graph indicate the relative strength of the attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.

- A higher energy measurement (e.g., 692.45 for F atom) suggests a weaker attraction between the electrons and nucleus. This can occur when the number of protons in the nucleus is lower relative to the number of electrons, resulting in a weaker positive charge to attract the electrons.

- A lower energy measurement (e.g., 33.52 for Na++ ion) suggests a stronger attraction between the electrons and nucleus. This can occur when there is a higher number of protons in the nucleus compared to the number of electrons, resulting in a stronger positive charge that attracts the electrons more strongly.

The distribution of electrons is affected by these energy differences. Electrons occupy orbitals based on their energy levels, with lower energy levels being filled first. The graph indicates that the energy levels for the Ne+ ion and Na++ ion are lower than that of the F atom, indicating a more stable electron configuration.

In summary, the energy measurements in the graph reflect the relative strength of attraction between the electrons and the nucleus for each species, with a lower energy indicating a more stable configuration and a stronger attractive force.

To answer these questions, let's break them down one by one.

a. How many electrons does each species have?
To determine the number of electrons for each species, we need to look at their respective atomic numbers (Z).

- F atom (Z = 9): The atomic number represents the number of protons in an atom's nucleus, which is also equal to the number of electrons in a neutral atom. Therefore, the F atom has 9 electrons.
- Ne+ ion (Z = 10): The atomic number for Ne is 10, but since it is indicated as Ne+ (having a positive charge), it has lost one electron. Hence, Ne+ has 9 electrons.
- Na++ ion (Z = 11): The atomic number for Na is 11, but with the indicated Na++ ion (having a double-positive charge), it has lost two electrons. Thus, Na++ has 9 electrons.

b. According to the graph, which species is most stable?
In terms of stability, the lower the energy, the more stable the species is. Looking at the graph values, we see that the Na++ ion has the lowest energy measurement of 33.52, followed by the Ne+ ion with 47.74, and the F atom with 692.45. Therefore, the Na++ ion is the most stable species.

c. Use Coulomb's law to explain the energy measurements shown in the graph and how this affects the distribution of electrons.
Coulomb's law explains the interaction between charged particles. It states that the force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

In this case, the graph is comparing the orbital energies of different species. The energy measurements shown are a reflection of the attractive forces between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons.

A higher energy measurement reflects a greater repulsion between the electrons and the positively charged nucleus. Since the F atom has the highest energy measurement, it indicates a weaker attractive force and a less stable configuration. On the other hand, the Na++ ion has the lowest energy measurement, indicating a stronger attractive force and a more stable electron configuration.

The distribution of electrons is affected by these energy measurements. In a more stable configuration (lower energy), electrons are tightly bound to the nucleus and less likely to be easily removed or disturbed. This explains why the Na++ ion, with its lowest energy measurement, is the most stable—it has a stronger hold on its electrons, making them less prone to being lost or moving farther away from the nucleus.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the given graph and its implications for the respective species in terms of electron distribution and stability.