This is Engish 8th grade: So in my book titled "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe, the bird sits on the bust of Athena the goddess but my homework is asking my why Poe choose Athena and not another god or goddess and how does she go with the story... Please help thank you!

The bird doesn't sit on a bust of Athena. It sits on a bust of Pallas, a mythological Greek Titan.

but it says on my homework that the raven lands on Pallas Athena as the statue that he landed on

u didn't even acutually answer the question

I didn't see anything in the poem that identifies the bust as Pallas Athena.

However, read this description of her. See the traits she represented. Which do you think applies to this poem?

I hope Kendal actually read the Wikipedia article Ms. Sue posted. The answer is right there! Pallas Athena was the goddess of _______. And the speaker in the poem was looking for answers to his questions.

To analyze why Edgar Allan Poe chose Athena, the goddess of wisdom, to be referenced in "The Raven," you can use a two-step approach: examining the characteristics of Athena and exploring how those characteristics relate to the story.

1. Understanding Athena: Start by researching and understanding the key attributes and qualities associated with Athena. Here are some characteristics that Poe may have considered:

- Goddess of wisdom: Athena was known for her intellect, strategic thinking, and sound decision-making.
- Symbol of knowledge: She possessed vast knowledge across various domains, including arts, crafts, and warfare.
- Protector of heroes: Athena often favored and aided heroes in their quests, showing bravery and valor herself.

2. Analyzing the association: Now, examine how the character of Athena relates to the story and the themes presented in "The Raven." Here are a few possible interpretations:

- Wisdom and reflection: Athena's presence on the bust could symbolize the narrator's inclination for deeper thinking, contemplation, and introspection. The raven's arrival disrupts the calm and rationality associated with Athena.
- Intellectual turmoil: Athena's association with wisdom could contrast with the narrator's spiraling descent into madness caused by the raven's relentless presence. The juxtaposition of reason and insanity becomes apparent.
- Loss and protection: Athena's role as a protector of heroes could signify the narrator's longing for guidance and protection amid his emotional turmoil after the loss of Lenore. The raven's mimicry of "Nevermore" reflects the absence of Athena-like guidance in the narrator's life.

Be sure to provide textual evidence from the story to support your analysis by identifying relevant passages where Athena, or themes associated with her, are mentioned or implied. Remember, literature often allows for various interpretations, so choose the analysis that aligns best with the text and your observations.