A gym has an enrollment fee of $80 and a $25 fee per month of membership. Write an expression to represent the total cost of m months of membership?

80 + 25m

To write an expression to represent the total cost of m months of membership, we need to consider the enrollment fee of $80 and the monthly fee of $25.

The enrollment fee is a one-time payment that does not depend on the number of months. So, the cost of the enrollment fee will be $80.

The monthly fee of $25 depends on the number of months of membership, denoted by m. For each month, there will be a $25 fee. So for m months, the total cost will be m multiplied by $25.

Adding the enrollment fee and the monthly fee, the expression for the total cost of m months of membership can be written as:

Total Cost = Enrollment Fee + Monthly Fee
= $80 + ($25 * m)
= $80 + 25m

Therefore, the expression to represent the total cost of m months of membership is $80 + 25m.