
A. Link:Chain
B Length: breadth
C. triangle:cube

Do you mean



A link:Chain
B length:breadth
C triángle:rectangle
D Suárez:cube

What is a Suárez?

i thinks its a family name (Suarez). If i were you I would go with (A) b/c when you link something it creates a chain. And when you transform a circle into a 3D shape it becomes a sphere. what is breadth???

Answer: A

Hope I helped!

To find the correct analogy for "chicle:sphere," let's analyze the relationship between the words.

Chicle is a type of gum, and a sphere is a three-dimensional geometric shape. The relationship here is that chicle is a specific example or type of a sphere.

Now let's consider the answer choices:

A. Link:Chain - This analogy does not accurately represent the relationship between chicle and sphere. While a link is a component of a chain, it does not represent a specific type or example of a chain. This answer choice is incorrect.

B. Length:breadth - This analogy does not accurately represent the relationship between chicle and sphere either. Length and breadth are measurements or dimensions, but they do not represent a specific type or example of one another. This answer choice is incorrect.

C. Triangle:cube - This analogy accurately represents the relationship between chicle and sphere. A triangle is a specific two-dimensional geometric shape, and a cube is a specific three-dimensional geometric shape. Just like chicle is a specific example of a sphere, a triangle is a specific example of a cube. This answer choice is correct.

So the correct answer is C. Triangle:cube.