Give five reasons to prove that labio rohita (rohu) is a chordate.

To demonstrate that Labio rohita (rohu) is a chordate, we can consider five key characteristics that are specific to chordates. Here are the reasons:

1. Notochord: The first reason is the presence of a notochord, which is a flexible rod-like structure located along the back of the animal. In rohu, as with other chordates, the notochord is present during at least some parts of its life cycle, providing support and acting as a precursor to the vertebral column (backbone).

2. Dorsal nerve cord: Another characteristic feature of chordates is a dorsal nerve cord, which runs along the back or dorsal side of the animal. In rohu, this cord develops into the spinal cord and central nervous system, allowing for coordination and control of body functions.

3. Pharyngeal slits or pouches: Chordates possess pharyngeal slits or pouches, which are openings in the pharynx (throat) region. In the case of rohu, these structures play a role in filter-feeding during its early larval stages, aiding in food particle capture and respiration.

4. Endostyle or thyroid gland: Rohu, like other chordates, features an endostyle (or thyroid gland) that is responsible for producing hormones and regulating various metabolic processes within the body.

5. Post- tail: Lastly, chordates have a post- tail, which extends beyond the anus. In the case of rohu, the presence of a tail (even if it's only visible during certain life stages) is another characteristic that confirms its chordate classification.

To establish these reasons, one could consult scientific literature or biology textbooks regarding the anatomical features and life cycle of Labio rohita (rohu).