Using your reaction time, estimate the diestance a car would travel at 20m/s (45 mi/h) before you could apply the brakes. To get the deistance in meters you multiply the speed in m/s by your reaction time in seconds

To estimate the distance a car would travel before you could apply the brakes, we need to know your reaction time in seconds. Could you please provide your reaction time?

To estimate the distance a car would travel at a given speed before you could apply the brakes, you need to know your reaction time in seconds. This measure represents the time it takes for you to recognize a potential hazard and initiate a response, such as stepping on the brakes.

Once you have your reaction time, you can multiply it by the speed of the car in meters per second to calculate the distance traveled before braking.

For example, let's say your reaction time is 0.75 seconds and the car's speed is 20 m/s:

Distance = Speed * Reaction Time
Distance = 20 m/s * 0.75 s

By multiplying these values together, you can calculate the distance the car would travel before you apply the brakes. In this case, the car would travel approximately 15 meters (20 m/s * 0.75 s = 15 m).

It's important to note that this calculation represents the distance traveled during your reaction time only. The total stopping distance would also include the braking distance, which depends on factors like the car's deceleration and the road conditions.