If you tell them about your worries, they will do the worrying for you while you sleep.

What is the part of speech of 'worrying'? Is 'worrying' a noun or a gerund?

To determine the part of speech of the word 'worrying' in the given sentence, you can analyze its function and usage. In this case, 'worrying' is used as a noun. It is a gerund, which is a verb form that functions as a noun in a sentence. Gerunds typically end in -ing and are derived from verbs. In this sentence, 'worrying' serves as the object of the verb 'do.'

To identify the part of speech of a word, you can consider its role in the sentence, the context, and its form. In this case, 'worrying' functions as a noun because it is the object of the verb 'do' and behaves as a thing or action that can be performed or experienced.