Your computer monitor has a width of 14.56 inches and a height of 10.92 inches. What is the area of the monitor display in square meters?

Convert 14.56 inches to meters.

Convert 10.92 inches to meters.

Then meters x meters = square meters.



To find the area of the monitor display in square meters, we need to convert the measurements from inches to meters.

First, let's convert the width from inches to meters.

1 inch is equal to 0.0254 meters (approximately).

So, the width in meters would be:
14.56 inches * 0.0254 meters/inch = 0.370024 meters (approximately).

Next, let's convert the height from inches to meters.

Similarly, using the conversion factor:
10.92 inches * 0.0254 meters/inch = 0.2775088 meters (approximately).

Now, we can calculate the area of the monitor display in square meters.

Area = width * height
Area = 0.370024 meters * 0.2775088 meters
Area ≈ 0.1025687 square meters (approximately).

Therefore, the area of the monitor display is approximately 0.1025687 square meters.