
Is my answer and the problem is sig figs... The question have two sig figs so would it be .27 or .28?

The rule I follow is to round the 0.2748 to 0.2750 and the 5 rule that says to round to the even number which rounds to 0.28 to two s.f. However, I don't know if the mathematicians agree with this. I see examples all over the net that would round this to 0.27. Perhaps a physics/math tutor will enlighten us. :-).

It's just .27

look only at the number after the number of sig fig you need when rounding.

To determine the correct number of significant figures in your answer, you need to consider the rules for rounding and significant figures.

In this case, you mentioned that the problem has two significant figures. The general rule for rounding is to round to the nearest value when the digit to be rounded is 5 or greater, and to round down when the digit is less than 5.

Looking at your answer, 0.2748, we can see that the digit in the third decimal place (4) is less than 5. Therefore, when rounding to two significant figures, the digit in the third decimal place should be dropped.

Now, to determine the correct rounding, we need to look at the digit right after the third decimal place. In this case, it is 8. Since this digit is greater than 5, we round up.

So, rounding 0.2748 to two significant figures, the correct answer would be 0.28.