How do we convert number scales from their fraction form to ratio form

fractions are ratios

2/3 = 2:3

Yoo wow gr8 maths is too much yo plz help me

To convert number scales from their fraction form to ratio form, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the fraction

Let's say you have a fraction, such as 3/4.

Step 2: Identify the numerator and denominator

In the fraction 3/4, the numerator is 3 and the denominator is 4.

Step 3: Write the ratio using the numerator and denominator

To convert the fraction to ratio form, write the ratio by placing the numerator before the colon (:) and then the denominator.

In our example, the ratio form of 3/4 would be 3:4.

To convert number scales from their fraction form to ratio form, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the given fraction. For example, let's consider the fraction 3/4.

Step 2: Determine the total number of parts in the scale. In our example, the total number of parts is 4.

Step 3: Write the fraction as a ratio by using the numerator as the first part of the ratio and the denominator as the total number of parts. In our example, the ratio form of 3/4 would be 3:4.

Let's consider another example:

Given fraction: 5/8

Total number of parts: 8

Ratio form: 5:8

That's it! You have successfully converted the number scale from its fraction form to ratio form. Remember to write the numerator as the first part and the denominator as the total number of parts in the ratio.