Price of the item after a 23% increase with sales tax

Price is $129.00
Sales Tax is 5.75%
Ms. Sue can you help me answer this question?

$129.00 = 105.75% of the price before the sales tax was added

Find what would = 100%

That answer is then = 123% of the price before the price increase
Find what price = 100% again and that'll be the original price before the increase and before the tax was added

Sure, I can help you with that! To calculate the price of the item after a 23% increase with sales tax, we need to follow a few steps.

Step 1: Calculate the price after the 23% increase.
First, we need to calculate the increase amount by multiplying the original price by the increase percentage.
Increase = $129.00 * 23% = $29.67

Now, to find the new price after the increase, we add the increase amount to the original price.
New price = $129.00 + $29.67 = $158.67

Step 2: Calculate the sales tax amount.
To calculate the sales tax amount, we multiply the new price by the sales tax rate.
Sales tax amount = $158.67 * 5.75% = $9.12

Step 3: Calculate the final price after including sales tax.
To find the final price, we add the sales tax amount to the new price.
Final price = $158.67 + $9.12 = $167.79

Therefore, the price of the item after a 23% increase with sales tax would be $167.79.