convert the measurement 92.0g into pounds (1lb=453.6g)

92.0g x (1 lb/453.6g) = ?

Note g unit cancels with g unit (one in the numerator and one in the denominator thus getting rid of the unit you don't want) and this leaves only the one unit of lb which is what you want.

To convert grams to pounds, you can use the conversion factor: 1 pound (lb) = 453.6 grams (g).

To convert 92.0 grams to pounds, you can set up a proportion using this conversion factor:

92.0 g * (1 lb / 453.6 g)

Now, simplify the proportion:

92.0 g * (1 / 453.6) = 0.2028 lb

Therefore, 92.0 grams is equal to approximately 0.2028 pounds.