I am having some chemistry problems.

3. The graph compares the 1s orbital energies for the F atom (Z = 9), the Ne+ ion (Z = 10), and the Na++ ion (Z = 11).
(the graph shows F having an Orbital Energy of 692.45, Ne+ with 47.74, and Na++ with 33.52)

a. How many electrons does each species have?

b. According to the graph, which species is most stable?

c. Use Coulomb's law to explain the energy measurements shown in the graph and how this affects the distribution of electrons.

All have 9 electrons, and the most positive ion is also the most stable. This means it is Na. This can also be accounted for by the least amount of energy it has, meaning the less orbital energy, the more stable it is.

Also, for C, here is what I found out;

The more distance in the atomic radius, the more force. The more force, the more stable it is, and the greater force, the less orbital energy. This relates to the electrons because Na++ has the smallest atomic radius and more force since it has a small atomic radius. Meaning it has the most force and also the less orbital energy, as seen in the graph. I am just trying to tie in the electrons into this problem using some facts about Coulomb's Law, so this might not even make sense to our teachers >.<

Are you taking AP Chemistry online?

I'm taking it too! Some questions are hard and there are no answers for it on the internet. :(
Which unit are you doing right now?

I don’t know the answer to b or c, but I know a. F is fluorine, which has 9 electrons. Ne+ is Neon, but it lost an electron, so now it has 9 instead of 10. Na++ is sodium, but it lost 2 electrons, so instead of 11 it has 9 electrons. They all have 9 electrons.

Unit 4


I'm still stuck on this question.
Did you get the answer?

I think F and Na+ have nine but I am not sure about Na++